Ορθοδοντική Τεχνολογία Fastbraces - 1o -6/12/2019 - Epsilon - Ευάγγελος Βιάζης/Dr. Viazis Evangelos
Ορθοδοντική Τεχνολογία Fastbraces - μέρος 3ο - 20/12/2019 - Neo Epsilon - Dr. E.Viazis / Ε.Βιάζης
Ορθοδοντική Τεχνολογία Fastbraces - μέρος 2ο - 13/12/2019 - Neo Epsilon - Dr. E.Viazis / Ε. Βιάζης
Ορθοδοντική Τεχνολογία Fastbraces - μέρος 4ο - 10/1/2020 - Neo Epsilon - Dr. E. Viazis / Ε. Βιάζης
Ορθοδοντική Τεχνολογία Fastbraces - 4ο μέρος - 6,9,11/1/2020 - High, Alert, AigaioTv - Dr. E. Viazis
Ορθοδοντική Τεχνολογία Fastbraces - 3ο μέρος - 23,26,28/12/2019 - High, Alert, AigaioTv, Dr.E.Viazis
Ορθοδοντική Τεχνολογία Fastbraces - 2ο μέρος - 16,19,21/12/2019, High, Alert, AigaioTv, Dr. E.Viazis
Ορθοδοντική Τεχνολογία Fastbraces - 1ο μέρος - 2,5,7/12/2019 - High, Alert, AigaioTv, Dr. E. Viazis
Ορθοδοντική Τεχνολογία Fastbraces, Τηλεοπτικό Δίκτυο CBS, USA, πριν, μετά, ίσια δόντια
Fastbraces® Ορθοδοντική Τεχνολογία Dr. Cigno appeared on NBC Channel 4 to discuss "Fastbraces"
FASTBRACES® ΟΡΘΟΔΟΝΤΙΚΗ - Dr Anna Smith and Fastbraces ® on Great Day Saint Louis
Fastbraces® Orthodontic Technology
Fastbraces® Media
Why choose us
Immediate results.
Patients can now get results often with less sensitivity and in time ranging from three months to a year in 80% of cases.
30 years of experience.
It has been developed and tested over the last 30 years and has now been very successful in more than 50 countries around the world. Fastbraces® Orthodontic Technology, easy and affordable.
Cutting-edge technology.
With the patented triangular shape for the braces, cutting-edge technologies and a special heat-activated wire, this revolutionary technology brings innovation.
Less chance of tooth decay.
The fact that braces are worn for a shorter period of time means that there is less chance of tooth decay due to improper oral hygiene.
Treatment with Fastbraces® Orthodontic Technology improves the patient’s quality of life because treatment typically requires only a few office visits.
What they are saying about us
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