- Viazis, A.D. “Direct bonding in orthodontics”, Journal of Pedodontics 11:1-23, 1986.
- Viazis, A.D., “Bonding in Orthodontics: Resin, Brackets, Recycling, Techniques “, University of Minnesota, School of Dentistry Alumni Day, table clinic, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1987
- Viazis, A.D., “Direct bonding in orthodontics”, Journal of Odontostomatological Progress, 41:9-22, 1987.
- Viazis, A.D., “Enamel Abrasion from Ceramic Brackets”, Minnesota Association of Orthodontics, Duluth, Minnesota, 1988
- Viazis, A.D., “Enamel Abrasion from Ceramic Brackets”, St. Paul District Dental Society, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1988
- Viazis, A.D., “Enamel Abrasion from Ceramic Brackets”, Tufts University, Department of Orthodontics, Chicago, Illinois, 1988
- Viazis, A.D., “Nickel Release from Orthodontic Brackets to Solution Treatment and Recycling”, American Association of Orthodontics, table clinic, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1988
- Stannard, J.G. and Viazis, A.D., “Affect of fluoride from Dental materials on acid demineralization of enamel”, Journal of Operative Dentistry, 13:58-65, 1988.
- Viazis, A.D., “Enamel surface evaluation and ceramic bracket assessment using an artificial oral environment”, Master’s Thesis University of Minnesota, 1988.
- Viazis, A.D., “Ceramic and Metal Orthodontic Appliances: Advantages and Disadvantages”, Minnesota Dental Assoc., table clinic, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1988
- Viazis, A.D., “Ceramic Brackets – An Overview”, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, 1989
- Viazis, A.D., “Bond Strength of Ceramic Brackets under Sheer Stress”, Minnesota Dental Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1989
- Viazis, A.D., ”Latest Research Development on Ceramic Brackets”, American Association of Orthodontics, oral presentation, Anaheim, California, 1989
- Viazis, A.D., “Dramatic Enamel Abrasion from Ceramic Brackets”, AADR, poster presentation, San Francisco, California, 1989
- Viazis, A.D., “Enamel Wear and Ceramic Brackets – A Laboratory and Clinic Report”, Loyola University, Department of Orthodontics, Chicago, 1989
- Viazis, A.D., “Comparison of enamel abrasion from ceramic and metal brackets”, Journal of Orthodontic Review, 1:4, 167-174, 1989.
- Viazis, A.D., DeLong, R., Douglas, W.H., Bevis, R.R. and Speidel, T.M., “Enamel abrasion from ceramic orthodontic brackets”, American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 96:214-514-518, 1989.
- Viazis, A.D.,” Baylor Undergraduate Orthodontic Curriculum”, Southwestern Society of Orthodontists, Kansas City, Missouri, 1990
- Viazis, A.D., “New Advancements in Orthodontics: Ceramic Brackets and New Wires”, Continuing Education, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1990
Viazis, A.D., “Cephalometric Analysis Based on Natural Heat Posture”, American Association of Orthodontists, oral presentation, Washington, DC, 1990 - Viazis, A.D., DeLong, R., Bevis, R.R., Douglas, W.H. and Pintado, M., “Enamel abrasion from ceramic orthodontic brackets under an artificial oral environment”, American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 98:103- 109, 1990.
- Viazis, A.D., Cavanaugh, G. and Bevis, R.R., “Bond strength of ceramic brackets under shear stress – An in Vitro Report”, American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 98:214-221, 1990.
- Viazis, A.D., “Undergraduate Orthodontic Curriculum”, American Association of Orthodontists, Seattle, Washington, 1991
- Viazis, A.D., “Two Day Seminar Series”, Fort Hood, United States Army Dental Corps, Fort Hood, Texas, 1991
Elaides, T., Viazis, A.D. and Eliades, G., “Bonding of ceramic brackets to enamel morphological and structural considerations”, American Journal of Orthodontics, 25:370- 374, 1991. - Viazis, A.D., “Clinical application of rectangular NiTi wires”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 25:370-374, 1991.
- Viazis, A.D., “The Triple-loop corrector (TLC): a new thumbsucking habit appliance”, American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 100:91-92, 1991.
- Viazis, A.D., “The Cranial Base Triangle – A new method of craniofacial superimposition”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 25:565-570, 1991.
- Viazis, A.D., “Use of elastics with rectangular NiTi wires”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics 25:697-698, 1991.
- Viazis, A.D., “The Importance of Growth in Diagnosis and Treatment in Orthodontics”, East Texas Dental Society, Jacksonville, Texas, 1991
- Viazis, A.D., “Orthodontic treatment of muscular dystrophy”, Journal of Orthodontic review, 3:53-43, 1991.
- Viazis, A.D. and Zelos, L., “Treatment of Class III prognathic patient”, Journal of Orthodontic Review, 3:53-66, 1991.
Zelos, L. and Viazis, A.D., “Superelastic NiTi wires”, Journal of Orthodontic Review, 2:112-116, 1991. - Viazis, A.D., “The cranial base triangle”, Journal of Orthodontic Review, 3:179-181, 1991 (translation of English).
- Viazis, A.D., Corinaldesi, G. and Abramson, M., “Gingival recession and fenestration in orthodontic treatment”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 24:633-636, 1991.
- Viazis, A.D., “The ‘V’ Angle: A new cephalometric measurement of profile esthetics based on natural head posture”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 25:15-20, 1991.
- Viazis, A.D., “A cephalometric analysis based on natural head posture”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 25:172-182, 1991.
- Viazis, A.D., “Clinical Applications of Superelastic Wires/Non-extraction Therapy of Class II Malocclusions”, Columbia University, New York, New York, 1992
- Viazis, A.D., “Clinical Applications of Superelastic Wires/Non-extraction Therapy of Class II Malocclusions”, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1992
- Viazis, A.D., “Clinical Applications of Superelastic Wires/Non-extraction Therapy of Class II Malocclusions”, Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts, 1992
- Viazis, A.D., “Clinical Applications of Superelastic Wires/Non-extraction Therapy of Class II Malocclusions”, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 1992
- Viazis, A.D., “Clinical Applications of Superelastic Wires/Non-extraction Therapy of Class II Malocclusions”, ACTA University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1992
- Viazis, A.D., “Clinical Applications of Superelastic Wires/Non-extraction Therapy of Class II Malocclusions”, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, 1992
- Viazis, A.D., “Clinical Applications of Superelastic Wires/Non-extraction Therapy of Class II Malocclusions”, University of Gainesville, Gainesville, Florida, 1992
- Viazis, A.D., “Clinical Applications of Superelastic Wires/Non-extraction Therapy of Class II Malocclusions”, University of the Pacific and University of California in San Francisco, San Francisco, California, 1992
- Viazis, A.D., “Bond Strength of Ceramic Brackets”, American Association for Dental Research, presented by Student-mentor, Boston, Massachusetts, 1992
- Viazis, A.D., “Ceramic Brackets – An Update”, American Association of Orthodontists, roundtable breakfast discussion leader, St. Louis, Missouri, 1992
- Viazis, A.D., Vadiakas, G., Zelos, L. and Gallagher, R.W., “Designs and applications of various maxillary expansion appliances”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 26:239-243, 1992.
- Buschang, P.H., Viazis, A.D., De La Cruz, R. and Oakes, C., “Horizontal growth of the soft tissue nose: relationships with maxillary growth changes”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 26:111-118, 1992.
- Viazis, A.D., “Cephalometric evaluation of open and deepbite tendencies”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 26:338-343, 1992.
- Viadakas, G. and Viazis, A.D., “Anterior crossbite correction in the early primary dentition”, American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 102:160-162, 1992.
- Viazis, A.D., “Anteroposterior assessment of the maxilla and mandible based on the True Horizontal”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 26:673-680, 1992.
- Viazis, A.D., “Current concepts in education and research in orthodontics”, Current Science, 238-44, 1992.
- Viazis, A.D., “Kephalometrische analyse unter Zugrundelgung der naturalichen Kopfiposition”, Orthodontic Und Kienferorthopadie, 1:23-24, 1992 (translation from English).
Eliades, T., Viazis, A.D. and Eliades, G., “Fluoride release from an orthodontic adhesive”, American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 101:421-424, 1992. - Viazis, A.D., “Superelastic Wires – Clinical Application”, Western Pennsylvania Society of Orthodontists, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1993
- Viazis, A.D., “Superelastic Wires – Clinical Application”, University of Texas, Houston, Texas, 1993
- Viazis, A.D., “Superelastic Wires – Clinical Application”, New Hampshire Society of Orthodontists, Manchester, New Hampshire, 1993
- Viazis, A.D., “Superelastic Wires – Clinical Application”, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1993
- Viazis, A.D., “Extraction vs. Nonextraction”, Brazilian Orthodontic Congress of Dental Press, Maringa, Brazil, 1993
- Viazis, A.D., “Ceramic Brackets – An Update”, American Association of Orthodontists, research abstract Presentation, Toronto, Canada, 1993
- Viazis, A.D., “Archwire Sequencing”, . American Association of Orthodontists, roundtable discussion leader, Toronto, Canada, 1993
- Viazis, A.D., “Contemporary Clinical Orthodontic Concepts”, Greater Washington Orthodontic Study Club, Washington, DC, 1993
- Viazis, A.D., “New Orthodontic Concepts in Diagnosis and Treatment”, Kansas City Tweed Group, Kansas City, Missouri, 1993
- Viazis, A.D., “Archwire Sequencing in Contemporary Orthodontics”, American Association of Orthodontics, Practice Management Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1993
- Viazis, A.D., “Contemporary Orthodontics”, Minnesota Academy of General Dentists, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1993
Abelson, M., Bennet, T., Viazis, A.D. and Allen, E.P., “Periodontal Plastic Surgery”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 27:47-49, 1993. - Viazis, A.D. and Crawford, L., “Orthodontic mechanotherapy in conditions of minimal periodontal support”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 27:323-25, 1993.
- Viazis, A.D., Chabot, K.A. and Kucheria, C.S., “SEM evaluation of clinical failures of single-crystal ceramic brackets”, American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, 103:537-44, 1993.
- Eliades, T., Viazis, A.D. and Nakajima, H., “Bond strength of new orthodontic adhesive”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 27:207-209, 1993.
- Alexander, C.J., Viazis, A.D. and Nakajima, H., “Bond strength of new orthodontic adhesive”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 27:207-209, 1993.
- Viazis, A.D., “The thumbsucking/tonguethrusting corrector appliance (TCA)”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 27:417- 419, 1993.
Viazis, A.D., Nakajima, H. and Kleven, J.S., “Bond strength of the new ceramic brackets”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, 27:539-542, 1993. - Buschang, P.H., De La Cruz, R. and Viazis, A.D., “Longitudinal shape changes of the nasal dorsum”, American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, December 1993.
- Viazis, A.D., “Conference on Aesthetics and Future of Orthodontics”, University of Southern California, Newport Beach, California, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTMSystem”, Greek Orthodontic Society, Athens, Greece, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTMSystem”, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTMSystem”, Nebraska Orthodontic Society, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTMSystem”, University of Munich, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTMSystem”, University of Ulm, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTMSystem”, University of Keil, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTMSystem”, University of Hamburg, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTMSystem”, University of Frankfort, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTMSystem”, University of Bauru, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTMSystem”, Universities of Holland, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTMSystem”, Belgian Orthodontic Society, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTMSystem”, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTMSystem”, Orthodontic Society of Finland, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTMSystem”, Annual Greek Dental Association Meeting, Salonika, Greece, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTMSystem”, Northern Greek Orthodontic Society, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTMSystem”, Swedish Orthodontic Society, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “Contemporary Bracket and Wire Consideration”, East Tweed Group, White Plains, New York, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “New Materials and Techniques”, PCSO, Palm Springs, California, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy”, International Congress of Orthodontics, Santos, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy”, Arizona Orthodontic Study Group, Phoenix, Arizona, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTMTherapy”, Bioprogressive Study Club, Newport Beach, California, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “Mixed Dentition Orthodontic Therapy”, Greek Pediatric Dentistry Annual Meeting, Athens, Greece, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “Clinical Application of Superelastic Wires”, American Association of Orthodontists Annual Meeting, roundtable discussion, Orlando, Florida, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “Clinical Application of Superelastic Wires”, University of Minnesota Continuing Education, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1994
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Τα τελευταία 20 χρόνια
- Viazis, A.D., “Clinical Efficiency in Contemporary Orthodontics”, Oklahoma Orthodontic Society, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “Clinical Efficiency in Contemporary Orthodontics”, Massachusetts Orthodontic Society, Boston, Massachusetts, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “Clinical Efficiency in Contemporary Orthodontics”, South Florida Orthodontic Society, Boston, Massachusetts, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “Clinical Efficiency in Contemporary Orthodontics”, Howard University 25th Anniversary Symposium: Orthodontics in the 21st Century, Washington, DC, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “Clinical Efficiency in Contemporary Orthodontics”, Wisconsin Orthodontic Group, La Grosse, Wisconsin, 1994
- Viazis, A.D., “Bioeffecient Therapy”, Journal of Clinical Orthodontics, September 1995 (feature article).
- Study with Three New Low Friction Brackets by David Suarez Quintanilla, Kady Kounta, Carolina Mendez Garrido, M. Teresa Abeleira PazosProf. of Orthodontics, University of Santiago de Compostela,
- Students for the Masters Degree in Orthodontics, University of Santiago de Compostela, Publish in Journal STOMA, March, 1995
- Ion-Impantation: Effect on Frictional Resistance to Movement by Michael R. LaFerla, University of Southern California, Master’s Thesis for Master of Science in Craniofacial Biology, Graduate Orthodontic Department, 1996
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTM System”, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1996
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: Diagnosis & Treatment”, Annual Meeting, Spanish Orthodontic Society, 1996
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: Non-Extraction Treatment”, Belgian Orthodontic Society, 1996
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTM System”, University of Heidelburg, Germany, 1996
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: Non-Extraction Treatment”, Italian Orthodontic Society, 1996
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTM System”, Dominican Republic Orthodontic Society, 1996
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: Diagnosis & Treatment”, University of Zurich, Switzerland, 1997
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTM System”, University of Paris, France, 1997
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: Diagnosis & Treatment”, University of Marsailles, France, 1997
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: Non-Extraction Treatment”, University of Chieti, Italy, 1997
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTM System”, Orthodontic Meeting in Naples, Italy, 1997
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: Diagnosis & Treatment”, Orthodontic Meeting in Rome, Italy, 1997
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTM System”, Orthodontic Meeting in Messina, Italy, 1997
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: Non-Extraction Treatment”, Orthodontic Meeting in Verona, Italy, 1997
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTM System”, Orthodontic Meeting in Milan, Italy, 1997
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: Non-Extraction Treatment”, Orthodontic Meeting in Dallas, Texas, USA, 1997
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: Diagnosis & Treatment”, Orthodontic Meeting in Dallas, Texas, USA, 1998
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTM System”, 1st Annual Orthodontic Symposium, June, 1998
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: Diagnosis & Treatment”, Orthodontic Summit Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, November, 1998
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: Non-Extraction Treatment”, Orthodontic Meeting of Mexican Association, Porto Vallarta, Mexico, 1998
- The Influence of Bracket Design on Frictional Losses in the Bracket/Arch Wire System by Hans Albert Schumacher(1), Christoph Bourauel(1), Dieter Drescher(3), Journal of Orofacial Orthopedics/Fortschritte der Kieferorthopadie. J Orofac Orthop/FOrtschr Kieferorthop 1999;60:335-47
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTM System”, French Orthodontic Congress, Marsailles, France, 1999
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: Non-Extraction Treatment”, 2nd Annual Orthodontic Symposium, Dallas, Texas, USA, 1999
- Viazis, A.D., “BioEfficientTM Therapy: The Viazis Triangular BracketTM System”, Brazilian Orthodontic Meeting of Sao Paolo, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 1999
- A radiographic comparison of apical root resporption after orthodontic treatment with 3 different fixed appliance techniques(a), Guilherme R. P. Janson, DDS, MSc, PhD, Graziela de Luca canto, DDS, MSc, Decio Rodrigues, DDS, MSc, PhD, Jose Fernando Castanha Henriques, DDS, MSc, PhD, and Marcos Roberto de Freitas, DDS, MSc, PhD, San Paulo, Bauru, Brazil et al. University of Sao Paulo, Baura Brazil, Graduate Department of Orthodontics Master’s Thesis, American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, September 2000, Vol. 118, No. 3
- The Study of Orthodonic pain symptoms, PHD Thesis by Dr. M. Dalili, DDS, MSC, Orthodontic Division Institute of Oral and Dental Diseases University of Kuopio, Finland, 1998, Pain Perception at Different Stages of Orthodontic Treatment, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Biomedicine, Department of Physiology, University of Kuopio, 2009.
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Uprighting Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”, Dallas, Texas, USA, 2012
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Annual Meeting”, Dallas, Texas, USA, 2012
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Non-Extraction Treatment”, London, UK, 2013
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Non-Extraction Treatment”, The Business of Orthodontics, London, UK, 2013
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Non-Extraction Treatment”, The Dentistry Show, Birmingham, UK, 2013
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Annual Meeting”, FASTBRACES® Technology, Dallas, Texas, USA, 2013
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Uprighting Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”, London, UK, 2013
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”, The International Academy of Aesthetic Facial Academics Show, London, UK, 2013
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Non-Extraction Treatment”, Manila, Philppines, 2013
- Viazis, A.D., “Treatment Planning with FASTBRACES® Technologies”, London, UK, 2013
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Non-Extraction Treatment”, The British Dental Trade Association Show, Birmingham, UK, 2013
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”, American Friends of Dental Volunteers for Israel, New York, 2013
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Uprighting Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”, Ivoclar-Vivadent, Sydney, Australia, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”, The Australian Dental Expo, Sydney, Australia, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Non-Extraction Treatment”, London, UK, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”, The Dentistry Show, Birmingham, UK, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Uprighting Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”, Indonesia, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Non-Extraction Treatment”, Dubai, UAE, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “Treatment Planning with FASTBRACES® Technologies”, Gulf State Convention, Gulf State Dental Association, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”, London, UK, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Non-Extraction Treatment”, Ivoclar-Vivadent, Sydney, Australia, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Uprighting Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”, Ivoclar-Vivadent, Auckland, New Zealand, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”, London, UK, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., ““FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Uprighting Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”, Manila, Philippines, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Non-Extraction Treatment”, 105th Annual Convention, Philippine Dental Association, Manila, Philippines, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Non-Extraction Treatment”, Ivoclar-Vivadent, Sydney, Australia, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”, Ivoclar-Vivadent, Auckland, New Zealand, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., Grumbos, P.C., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Quarterly Update Meeting”, Dallas, Texas, USA, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”, London, UK, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., ““FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Uprighting Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”, Dublin, Ireland, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “Treatment Planning with FASTBRACES® Technologies”, Dallas, Texas, USA, July 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Non-Extraction Treatment”, London, UK, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “Treatment Planning with FASTBRACES® Technologies”, Dallas, Texas, USA, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”, London, UK 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Quarterly Update Meeting”, London, UK 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “Treatment Planning with FASTBRACES® Technologies”, Dallas, Texas, USA, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., Grumbos, P.C., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Quarterly Update Meeting”, Dallas, Texas, USA 2014
- Viazis, A.D., ““FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Uprighting Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”, Toronto, Canada, 2014
Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”, Dublin, Ireland, 2014 - Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Strategies for Non-Extraction Treatment”, London, UK, 2014
- Viazis, A.D., “FASTBRACES® Technologies Quarterly Update Meeting”, London, UK, 2014
- Viazis, E., “FASTBRACES® Greece: Atlas of Clinical Cases”, Athens, Greece, 2014
- Viazis AD, Viazis E, Pagonis TC (2014) The Concept of a New Dental Disease: Orthodontosis and Orthodontitis. J Dent Health Oral Disord
Ther 1(5): 00030. DOI: 10.15406/jdhodt.2014.01.00030, 2014
Τα τελευταία 3 χρόνια
- Viazis, A.D. (2014, July 18). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Renaissance Long Beach in Los Angeles, California.
Grumbos, P. (2014, July 26). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Marriott in Miami, Florida. - Smith, A. (2014, August 02). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Renaissance Chicago Downtown in Chicago, Illinois.
- Viazis, A.D. (2014, August 08). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Dumbrigue, H. Grumbos, P. (2014, August 09). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Renaissance Hotel Vancouver in Vancouver, Canada.
- Viazis, A.D. (2014, August 09). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Viazis, A.D. (2014, August 15). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
Dumbrigue, H. Grumbos, P. (2014, August 16). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Toronto Airport Marriott in Toronto, Canada. - Viazis, A.D. (2014, August 16). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
Grumbos, P. (2014, August 23). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Philadelphia Airport Marriott in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. - Grumbos, P. (2014, August 30). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Viazis, A.D. Viazis, E. Kilcoyne, A. (2014, August 30/31). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Sheraton Skyline in London, United Kingdom.
- Grumbos, P. (2014, September 5). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Viazis, A.D. (2014, September 6). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at
- FASTBRACES® Seminar at Manhattan Beach Marriott in Los Angeles, California.
- Rauen, A. Grumbos, P. (2014, September 6). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Smith, A. Grumbos, P. (2014, September 13). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at
- FASTBRACES® Seminar at New York LaGuardia Airport Marriott in New York City, New York.
- Grumbos, P. (2014, September 13). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Tran, L. (2014, September 18). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at The Blackman in Melbourne, Australia.
- Grumbos, P. (2014, September 19). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Gohil, V. (2014, September 19). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Street Farm Dental Studio in South Ockendon, United Kingdom.
- Zollinger, P. (2014, September 20). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Minneapolis Airport Marriott in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Grumbos, P. (2014, September 20). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Viazis, A.D. (2014, September 26) “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Training Grounds in Dallas, Texas.
- Grumbos, P. (2014, September 27). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Columbus Airport Marriott in Columbus, Ohio.
- Viazis, A.D. (2014, September 27). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Grumbos, P. (2014, October 3). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Goddard, M. Grumbos, P. (2014, October 04). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Hilton Garden Inn Toronto Airport in Toronto, Canada.
- Gohil, V. (2014, October 4). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Street Farm Dental Studio in South Ockendon, United Kingdom.
- Zollinger, P. Grumbos, P. (2014, October 11). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Renaissance Concourse Atlanta Airport Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia.
- Viazis, A.D. Rauen, A. (2014, October 11). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Shade Hotel in Los Angeles, California.
- Gohil, V. (2014, October 17). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Street Farm Dental Studio in South Ockendon, United Kingdom.
- Tran, L. (2014, October 17). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at ICDE Brisbane in Brisbane, Australia.
- Viazis, A.D. (2014, October 25). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront in San Francisco, California.
- Grumbos, P. (2014, October 25). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACES university.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Grumbos, P. Viazis, E. Pagonis, T. (2014, November 01). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at The Harvard Club of Boston in Boston, Massachusetts.
- Viazis, A.D. (2014, November 1). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Tran, L. Grumbos, P. (2014, November 7). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Crowne Plaza in Auckland, New Zealand.
- Tran, L. Grumbos, P. (2014, November 8). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at
- FASTBRACES® Seminar at Sheraton on the Park in Sydney, Australia.
- Dumbrique, H. (2014, November 9/10). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Apo View Hotel in Davao City, Philippines.
- Dumbrique, H. (2014, November 13/14). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar in Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Smith, A. (2014, November 15). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at The Renaissance St. Louis Airport Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri.
- Grumbos, P. (2014, November 15). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Zollinger, P. Grumbos, P. (2014, November 22). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Sheraton Charlotte Airport Hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina.
- Grumbos, P. (2014, November 22). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Viazis, A.D. (2014, November 28). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® at The Gresham Hotel in Dublin, Ireland.
- Viazis, A.D. Viazis, E. Kilcoyne, A. (2014, November 29). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Sheraton Skyline in London, United Kingdom.
- Viazis, A.D. Viazis, E. Kilcoyne, A. (2014, November 30). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Sheraton Skyline Hotel, London, United Kingdom.
- Rauen, A. (2014, December 05). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Gohil, V. (2014, December 05). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Street Farm Dental Studio in South Ockendon, United Kingdom.
- Viazis, A.D. (2014, December 06). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Catamaran Resort Hotel in San Diego, California.
- Rauen, A. Grumbos, P. (2014, December 06). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Tran, L. (2014, December 06). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar in Auckland, New Zealand.
- Viazis, A.D. (2014, December 13). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at The Shade Hotel in Los Angeles, California.
- Smith, A. (2014, December 13). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Seattle Airport Marriott in Seattle, Washington.
- Gohil, V. (2014, December 13). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Street Farm Dental Studio in South Ockendon, United Kingdom.
- Rauen, A. (2014, December 15). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Tran, L. Grumbos, P. (2015, January 10). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront in San Francisco, California.
- Rauen, A. (2015, January 10). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at The Renaissance New Orleans Arts Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Viazis, A.D. (2015, January 10). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Gohil, V. (2015, January 10). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Street Farm Dental Studio in South Ockendon, United Kingdom.
- Viazis, A.D. (2015, January 16) “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Training Grounds in Dallas, Texas.
- Zollinger, P. (2015, January 17). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at The Renaissance Phoenix Downtown Hotel in Phoenix, Arizona.
- van Vuuren, S. Grumbos, P. (2015, January 17). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Viazis, A.D. Gilbert, S. (2015, January 24). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Sheraton Miami Airport Hotel in Miami, Florida.
- Smith, A. (2015, January 24). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at The Las Vegas Marriott in Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Dumbrique, H. (2015, January 24/25). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Dental Domain training Center in Quezon City, Philippines.
- Grumbos, P. Viazis, E. Pagonis, T. (2015, January 31). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Hyatt Regency Orlando International Airport in Orlando, Florida.
- van Vurren, S. Viazis, A.D. (2015, January 31). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Gohil, V. (2015, January 31). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Street Farm Dental Studio in South Ockendon, United Kingdom.
- Smith, A. (2015, February 07). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Crowne Plaza Hotel St. Louis Airport in St. Louis, Missouri.
- Viazis, A.D. Tran, L. (2015, February 10). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar in Auckland, New Zealand.
- Viazis, A.D. Tran, L. (2015, February 11). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar in Auckland, New Zealand.
- Viazis, A.D. Tran, L. (2015, February 13). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar in Sydney, Australia.
- Grumbos, P. (2015, February 13). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Zollinger, P. (2015, February 14). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront in San Francisco, California.
- Grumbos, P. (2015, February 14). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Viazis, A.D. Tran, L. (2015, February 14). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar in Sydney, Australia.
- Tran, L. (2015, February 21). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Moana Surfrider; Westin Resort and Spa in Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Smith, A. (2015, February 21). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Sheraton Charlotte Airport in Charlotte, North Carolina.
- Viazis, A.D. Viazis, E. Kilcoyne, A. (2015, February 21“FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Sheraton Skyline in London, United Kingdom.
- van Vurren, S. (2015, February 22). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at The Shelbourne Dublin in Dublin, Ireland.
- Viazis, A.D. Viazis, E. Kilcoyne, A. (2015, February 22). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Sheraton Skyline Hotel, London, United Kingdom.
- Rauen, A. (2015, February 28). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Sacramento Marriott Rancho Cardova in Sacramento, California.
- Viazis, A.D. (2015, February 28). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Shade Hotel in Los Angeles, California.
- Gohil, V. (2015, February 28). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Street Farm Dental Studio in South Ockendon, United Kingdom.
- Davis, T. (2015, March 07). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Atlanta Airport Marriott in Atlanta, Georgia.
- Zollinger, P. (2015, March 07). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Nashville Airport Marriott in Nashville, Tennessee.
- Grumbos, P. (2015, March 07). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Pinnacle Hotel Vancouver Harbourfront in Vancouver, Canada.
- Viazis, A.D. (2015, March 13). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Grumbos, P. (2015, March 14). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Sheraton Suite Philadelphia Airport in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Viazis, A.D. (2015, March 14). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Gohil, V. (2015, March 14). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Street Farm Dental Studio in South Ockendon, United Kingdom.
- Rauen, A. (2015, March 21). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Crystal City Marriott by Reagan International Airport in Washington, D.C.
- Smith, A. (2015, March 21). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Houston Marriott South at Hobby Airport in Houston, Texas.
- Dunbrique. (2015, March 20). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Tran, L. (2015, March 20/21). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar in Melbourne, Australia.
- Dimov, D. and Grumbos, P. (2015, March 21). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Festa Sofia Hotel in Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Gohil, V. (2015, March 21). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Street Farm Dental Studio in South Ockendon, United Kingdom.
- Viazis, A.D. Davis, T. Pagonis, T. (2015, March 28). “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Omni Berkshire Place in New York City, New York.
- Rauen, A. (2015, March 28). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Shade Hotel in Los Angeles, California.
- Grumbos, P. (2015, March 28). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Viazis, A.D. Pagonis, T. Tran, L. Grumbos, P. Viazis, E. White, G. Kilcoyne, A. Christensen, J. Dumbrigue, H. Hylan, B. (2015, April 10/11) “FASTBRACES® Technologies: Strategies for Diagnosis & Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Training Grounds in Dallas, Texas.
- Smith, A. (2015, April 11). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Sofitel Chicago Water Tower in Chicago, Illinois.
- Davis, T. (2015, April 18). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at Fort Lauderdale Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
- Wendt, Stanley. Grumbos, P. (2015, April 18). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at FASTBRACESuniversity.com Home Office in Dallas, Texas.
- Grumbos, P. Pagonis, T. (2015, April 19). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at The Harvard Club of Boston in Boston, Massachusetts.
- Rauen, A. (2015, April 25). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar at The Shade Hotel in Los Angeles, California.
- Grumbos, P. (2015, April 25). “Strategies for Uprighting the Roots from the Beginning of Treatment”. Lecture presented at FASTBRACES® Seminar.
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